My Home Network

My home network is made up of single desktop machines, running Debian GNU/Linux, and an EEE PC laptop. The desktop machine is on all the time, and the laptop is primarily used when I want to sit in front of the TV and work, or in bed!

The machines are:

This is the main desktop machine, which has:

  • 4Gb memory.
  • 2 x 500Gb drives.
  • AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 425 Processor

It was purchaed around 9th March 2010, from Novatech.

This is a low-end EEE PC.

My internet gateway is an 8 port Linksys FEFSR81 router, it is small, quiet, blue, and mostly reliable.

Network Details

The machines are setup as a flat C class network, or in CIDR notation a /24.

  • domain name:
    • my.flat
  • IP ranges:
      • Static hosts.
    • : KVM instances.
      • Virtual machines running under KVM.
      • DHCP leases for guests/random use.

The network diagram looks like this: